music teli-teli

music teli-telimusic teli-teli

music teli-teli

10 thoughts on “music teli-teli

  1. Actually all those things you mentioned are both turkish and greek..We are neighbour countries so its natural to have similar calture in some things.But as for the song,is greek,singer is haris aleksiou of course, composer is manos loizos,lyrics belong to pithagoras, not pisagor of course the greek philosopher 🙂

  2. why are you people discussing about whom this music is? Instead of seeing what is the same between all people on this earth,people like you only see the differences. That shows how narrow view people like you have.
    Anyway, this music is super!

  3. this is greek song,greek singer and greek passion,things that Turkish people and songs don’t have..

  4. I am Turk and I KNOW that this is a song from Greek origin. The Turkish version is made by “Yeni Türkü”, a band that mostly converts Greek songs into Turkish to support the FRIENDSHIP on the both sides of the Aegean. But tell me for what are you people fighting here? Just relax and enjoy the song!

  5. You are deluded the Greeks never lay claim to Turkish rubbish why would they? Turkish songs etc. are inferior and this is GREEK music THE BEST not Turkish rubbish, stop trying to claim Greek things as Turkish you delusional peasants.

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